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Demolisher Class Idea (probably Rogue promo.)
To josephs post, something I overlooked was that using the craftable explosives is mainclass only. The reason they have powerful effects is because they require you to craft them and accordingly plan when to use them in battle and track your ammo.
Friendly fire is because I planned for interesting synnergies with niche effects. Notice how only fire ice and lightning are present as elements. So like conversion glove effects. Circle ring, red letter.

Looking back, it does sound detrimental for fire to detonate powder keg immediately as that would Gimp it's use hard. So we can remove that part. Also in the case of multi-round guns it should probably be 3 attack instances. I also had intended the radius to be 5 base. And with lightning bombs if the demo was really willing to risk getting blown up too, 8 if it's effect triggers. Also part of the reason I added friendly fire, so you would THINK before immediatly slapping explosives all over with no consequence.

Clarity for mines is that they explode when enemies come into a certain range, detailed by the threat radius shown before fading.

For corrosive grenades I figure instead every 2 damage instances the effects should apply. It lasts long because I also wanted a class that can alter the feild to their advantage for crowd control, while still allowing outplay in case their own hazards are used against them. Like pulling shot through a corrosive cloud.

Sticky grenades being transfered by melée attacks sounds nice but not all players can melée, meaning adding a command for it that gives everyone a fair chance is best. It being 3 rounds also allows someone to push their luck and wait until the last round to try tossing it, or fun matches of hot potato. Granted mobs might not be easy to program to be smart enough to do this.

I also forgot to say bouncing bombs can only be tossed at the cardinal directions due to it's mechanic and have a minimum toss range dissallowing them from hitting the Demolisher themself.

Timed Charge looking back should have 3 knockback maximum. Though I intended it to also be a desperate way to forcibly reposition the demo if needed while also hitting enemies.

In total, the idea has potential but numbers tweaking is def needed.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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