12-30-2017, 03:43 AM
It's hard to say here what's going on without you showing every single stat change in detail on how you get to your numbers but basically there's different classifications of Stats:
Racial Stats
Self explanatory, they're just the base stats you get from your Race. However, this is something to consider since installing Youkai switches your Racial stats with your Youkai's.
Class Stats
Again, the stats you gain for your equipped Main Class. Usually it's just that but I believe the certain Armors that increase your Class stats and Ghost's Rising Game and Rebound are also considered here.
Base Stats
The stat increases you assign and the Bonus Stat Traits are in this category.
Mod Stats
The majority of stat altering bonuses belong here. Things like Food, Prayers, Hikari's Blessing, Active Buffs (Sanctuary, Brighten, Astral Belt, etc), Passive and Innate Buffs (Piety, Staff Mastery, etc), Stamps, Equipment and so on.
There's a Cap only for Mod stats where you can't get more than a collective +20 bonus in a stat.
Other Stats
These are fringe cases where they don't count as any of the above. This would be things such as Vampire's Sanguine Crest.
The stat bonuses brought up here that I don't know where they'd be placed would be things like:
Birth Signs (though I'm 90% sure they'd also count as Mod Stats)
Radiant Roa (if it doesn't count toward the Mod Stat Cap then it probably is an "Other" Stat Bonus.)
The LE Stat Bonuses (at first I thought of them as Base Stats but they considering they also increase the soft cap by 1, it may count as Racial instead, but either way it doesn't count toward the Mod Cap)
Racial Stats
Self explanatory, they're just the base stats you get from your Race. However, this is something to consider since installing Youkai switches your Racial stats with your Youkai's.
Class Stats
Again, the stats you gain for your equipped Main Class. Usually it's just that but I believe the certain Armors that increase your Class stats and Ghost's Rising Game and Rebound are also considered here.
Base Stats
The stat increases you assign and the Bonus Stat Traits are in this category.
Mod Stats
The majority of stat altering bonuses belong here. Things like Food, Prayers, Hikari's Blessing, Active Buffs (Sanctuary, Brighten, Astral Belt, etc), Passive and Innate Buffs (Piety, Staff Mastery, etc), Stamps, Equipment and so on.
There's a Cap only for Mod stats where you can't get more than a collective +20 bonus in a stat.
Other Stats
These are fringe cases where they don't count as any of the above. This would be things such as Vampire's Sanguine Crest.
The stat bonuses brought up here that I don't know where they'd be placed would be things like:
Birth Signs (though I'm 90% sure they'd also count as Mod Stats)
Radiant Roa (if it doesn't count toward the Mod Stat Cap then it probably is an "Other" Stat Bonus.)
The LE Stat Bonuses (at first I thought of them as Base Stats but they considering they also increase the soft cap by 1, it may count as Racial instead, but either way it doesn't count toward the Mod Cap)
![[Image: 95e2774f19.png]](http://puu.sh/gWUIp/95e2774f19.png)