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Re: Turn Order & Celerity
When turn order is determined at the start of combat, only the character's base Celerity value seems to be used (Racial Base + Points Spent). This was tested against Black Beasts with a Celerity of 36, as an Onigan with 6 base, a legend Ink spent for +1, and 29 points totalling out to 36. (Actual CEL value was much higher, both total and Scaled). Black Beasts with 36 Celerity were at times given the first turn and at times the second, while anything with 37 or more (the miniboss versions) would consistently go first.

This is to be expected, and is arguably suitable, for things like auto-enchants and buffs such as Sugar Rush and Argent Speed.

However, permanent modifiers such as equipment, +STAT innates, class mods, and even APT and the +CELERITY traits don't seem to be taken into account. Now that Turn Order is determined at the start of combat celerity-manipulation to double-turn shouldn't be an issue anymore.

It's really tiresome to have to go after monsters when you've got nearly 20 more scaled CEL...

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