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Profile Border Expansion
"Noxid"' Wrote:If you posted the details of what kind of size and format it needs to be it would be relatively easy for people to submit new ones right?

Agreed, as for actual options.

General Profile Options
Border Size - Can be set between a value from 1 to 3, with 3 being the thickest.
Default Text Color/Font - Lets you change your name's font on the side and the font of your equipment text maybe?

Portrait Border
Monotone - Self Explanatory, one flat color similarly to setting your border black.
Top/Bottom Opaque/Invisible - Needs a more clever name but could allow for some neat ''custom borders''. Could be donation?
Right/Left Opaque Invisible

Blank - no special pattern.
Custom - Donation Item for sure if it ever happens. ( I doubt it but hey. )

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