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Strength, Crits and Weapons
"Sawrock" Wrote:Strength giving crit damage would be wonderful, with the prospect that Crit Damage only uses the higher of the two (so that they don’t stack).

EDIT: Or, better yet, include a hardcap of 100% total bonus crit damage (invluding weapons, stats, etc), similar to how Physical and Magical Defense should hardcap at 80% reduction.

Yeah, I based the idea around a Wiki article about Criticals, it said that critical attacks are either very precise attacks on weak spots or BRUTAL attacks, so why GUI, SKI and LUC get the only critical stuff, while STR, the BRUTAL stat, have nothing to show off such thing?

Even gameplay wise it would make sense, a lot of STR based weapons (mainly Axes) would love to get the critical damage without having to spend GUI, because as stated, building STR with critical builds is simply a waste, because people would rather pick a dagger that scales with GUI and ignore STR, this will give STR based crit builds a reason to exist actually.

EDIT: Also, I agree that a hard cap of total bonsu crit damage should be made to balance this out, imagine someone with 60STR and GUI, wearing axes to get even more critical damage, that is just ridiculous.

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