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The dangerous precedent set in Dormeho.
Yesterday evening, while role-playing a recruitment event inside our guild house, Ephemeral was forced (by pressure of a game moderator) to allow entry to a group of regular players who were mechanically locked outside. Furthermore, once these players were inside the guild house, we were told that we were not allowed to use locked doors to deny them access to any area of the guild house.

Effectively, this means that as long as the owner of a guild house is online an attentive, one is not permitted to deny the entry of others into his or her home, nor into sections of that home which are partitioned off by locked doors. Consider the implications of this decision. It means that any group of players, at any time, could role-play their way into your mechanically locked property for any reason. If you are role-playing a private initiation ceremony inside your home, then prepare to be invaded whether or not you choose to secure the area. If you use communal item storage crates for your friends or guild mates, then kiss your treasure goodbye. Or presumably, since one is evidently forced to unlock doors, one would also be forced to set all storage crates to public anyway.

Regardless of your personal opinions on yesterday's events in particular, is this really the sort of environment in which we want to play?

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