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The dangerous precedent set in Dormeho.
"Yark" Wrote:Yesterday evening, while role-playing a recruitment event inside our guild house, Ephemeral was forced (by pressure of a game moderator) to allow entry to a group of regular players who were mechanically locked outside. Furthermore, once these players were inside the guild house, we were told that we were not allowed to use locked doors to deny them access to any area of the guild house.

Effectively, this means that as long as the owner of a guild house is online an attentive, one is not permitted to deny the entry of others into his or her home, nor into sections of that home which are partitioned off by locked doors. Consider the implications of this decision. It means that any group of players, at any time, could role-play their way into your mechanically locked property for any reason. If you are role-playing a private initiation ceremony inside your home, then prepare to be invaded whether or not you choose to secure the area. If you use communal item storage crates for your friends or guild mates, then kiss your treasure goodbye. Or presumably, since one is evidently forced to unlock doors, one would also be forced to set all storage crates to public anyway.

Regardless of your personal opinions on yesterday's events in particular, is this really the sort of environment in which we want to play?

Hi, I won't comment much here but I do want to say that its not as dangerous as one might think initially, for one in your group's case it was rather special, as they are wanted by the empire for terrorist like actions, like idk ganking people randomly on their soil, and being a general nuiscance.

RP does take precedence over the mechanics of the game almost all of the time, that means that locking the house and barring people from it in the exact way you specifically did it is basically akin to godmodding, you're using a completely OOC control tool (which I don't blame) to maliciously bar entry in a situation where IC events taking place would eventually have them break through, I believe you guys were even given a bit of leniency GM help wise when this occured.

But I believe you're wrong about one thing here, and that is that an owner of the house is not permitted to deny entry of others to the house, thats not always true, should you want to be able to RP Privately off in a house somewhere that is more than fine, people do it all the time (And usually are given leeway when barring or kicking people out of their house), but in your group's case it ends up being really hard to do that, for one as I stated before you're wanted by the empire, bounty hunters are given free reign to cause a ruckus should they know where you are.

And secondly you guys were given the option of creating your house somewhere else when it was destroyed the first time, and you didn't. You decided instead, lets create our base in the exact same location as before, on empire soil where you are wanted at.

Now thats a very very shady thing already to do, but to act surprised and backlash whenever your base gets raided? I mean I don't really have to say that you guys quite literally asked for it.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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