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Level Up! (But without any enthusiasm)
First of all-> Less characters being made if that were the case, is pretty much what I am aiming for. Making many characters is NOT good for RP, trust me. There are reasons why manyRP games rule you to have one/maximum 2 characters. Not saying we should add a Limit, but too many characters within one person is basically just a dozen of unfleshed out characters that only show themselves periodically which results in less interactions with them and less Character building for them, since you have to divide your attention between them. MOST people can't do that. Honestly, I have seen no one in SL2 who CAN.
Secondly-> As Saw pointed out, no it will not drop the popularity of the game. Most people do not know about it, at worst it removes a unfair advantage oldbies with friends have.

I fully agree that there should be something happening before it gets removed, But yeah Chaos is absolutely right here. I tried to suggest serval things now that could make things more interesting outside of PvP and even PvE. things that you can do by the by which is just fun. But if everyone is just focusing on PvP I guess that's what Dev tries to fix/Improve first. So yeah, maybe we should all push more for PvE/General Gameplay content after the trait rework is done. But as Chaos says, this is something the community as a whole needs to support and voice towards Dev. Always complaining about how boring it is, will not really help...And maybe once we as a community have done that we can actually fix the progression system as well.

Yeah more actual static dungeons like the first Jammer Cave would actually be very nice, I fully agree on that.

I fully agree, there isn't much to add to that. The power ceiling should remain untouched though, in my opinion, for the time being at least. I think the base of the game should get "Fixed" first, before something like that is going to be considered. But yeah, This topic has been flying around for a while now, and most people disagree with a raise of it/ Making it longer, because of how boring it is currently and they want to avoid as much time they can spending on it. I assume(hope) that once things are more interesting we can actually come up with something that makes Progression not feel like a bad joke.

Yeah I know people want that, I am not against that. But yeah as you said back then when it took a while? I honestly enjoyed the game much more, it just felt better as an RPG game. SL2 is the only RPG/RP I know that is longtime without wipes and you can reach maximum within a day. I don't think a Game should be designed like this. It takes away all feeling of accomplishment and progression out of the game. So thats probably what we should try to work towards, by making the general game content better and shove PvP away for a while.

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