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New Traits Compilation & Suggestions
Some racial traits for the available section.

Nocturnal Creatures (Vampire only) - Upon activating Lunar Lunatism and reaching 75 essence or below your weakness to Holy enchanted weapons and light damage is removed for 3 turns. Furthermore the damage you deal with vampiric weapons is increased by 10%. This can only proc once per battle.

Lightning Rod (Mech only) - Being made of unnatural materials grants you special resistances to fire and ice, however, with that comes a weakness to lightning. When hit by lightning damage your move/celerity is increased by 5 for 3 rounds. This cannot stack.

Shadow Blessing (Umbral only) - Due to your natural affinity to the dark you accept the shadows as a part of you. Increases your dark attack by your scaled resistance divided by 2.

Dark Zone Soldier (Shaitan only) - When wearing items made of carapace your physical def. is increased by 5% each. (caps at 20%)

Deepwood Curse (Papilion only) - As a being from the living magical forest you have been reborn with old magicks at work. Increases your status infliction by 10% per butterfly you have summoned. (caps at 30% thus 3 butterflies)

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