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Eh, suppose I'll throw my opinion with this even if I don't exactly use it like that (Funny because even tho I can use it like a turret, I ain't that aids). It doesn't exactly need a CD but there is one thing you need to keep into consideration when handling this: Ki consumption. Unlike the others, I do believe in good Ki usage; having Ki gives you alot of bonus and the fact you can't exactly power up for a set amount of turns. (No-one in their right mind would keep Ki awoken on for 2-3 whole turns unless they're spamming the meme). HONESTLY! If removing that feature is an option, my suggestion is to add Kadha to the suppress list. For I and a few others only us Ki awoken just to use it once without zeroing the Ki meter (Rather it knocks down or not).

So, the suggestion to this: If it needs to be removed the KI AWOKEN bonus, add it to the Ki suppression list; it'd give a few people reasons to get that passive and it'd allow people to use the meme without using their build up Ki IF the Ki awoken bonus is removed.

Suggestion two: Half or change the drain with Ki awoken is on. Like 15-20, so people can't exactly spam the 30ki blast knockdown.

Senna's regard: Yeah, I kinda do understand where ya'll coming from with this, since I fought someone that spams that shit; Ki awoken + Kadha, against me. If you lack mobility, you can't counter it. LUCKILY! I was on my Monk so I kinda just Kite them out with the help of Shunpo & BOI, and let Ki awoken run its course on them. But I can picture a lot of other classes/builds getting raped by this easily due to the massive damage output. (200-300 damage a shoot with a 30 ki blast is really aids). My suggestion isn't to save them but to save the others who doesn't spam that shit like that. So the good doesn't suffer too much with the bad.
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
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