01-14-2019, 08:04 PM
It's not really a salt thread when almost more than half the server agreed that they didn't want to see frozen get added to crystal rose. I warned Dev myself when he was talking about it and yet... here we are. It is quite frankly that bad and it isn't needed on a class that already excels in momentum building and has no issues with movement and reach. Locking someone in place only to pull off a high powered voltiger is just extra cheese at this point and unnecessary. Duelist didn't need a buff that badly yet alone something to this capacity where now you are FORCED to take the hit and inflicting it is hardly an issue for them. Remove frozen status from regular crystal rose and make it only work with Kraken the enchant not to be confused for mercury badge. I stated this in ooc and iirc Spo you disagreed and insisted it be kept for regular crystal rose. This will force people to use the enchant only just like how some Monks use Galren for KD. I had a big feeling this was going to happen and I was right. It is far too easy to utilize and get as it stands.