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On the subject of Roleplay[TM]
I've had a lot of experiences with people using phrases like this in character and it always immediately breaks my immersion to pieces. People saying 'He's a doom wall!' in character just completely ruins the entire mood of a fight for me. It stops being two characters duking it out and starts being two builds. This mostly happens at the arena admittedly, but it happens occasionally in BDPs and elsewhere too.

I would love if people got a bit more creative when describing stuff in character. It's not Ether Invitation IC, it's a (Last ditch) shadowy strike with every ounce of their strength behind it. It's not 'The needle combo' IC, it's an explosion caused by shards of holy magic. You can LOOC if the actual skill name is important, but for mercala's sake don't say it in character.

And speaking of Looc, for god's sake people use it. I know EVERYONE does it, but joke emotes in character followed by (omit) are so omnipresent and it really sucks. Yeah sometimes its legitimately funny, but it could usually be a joke made in LOOC instead. I've seen people all the time talking looc in emotes basically for RP exp or whatever reason they have for it, in every setting the game has from campfires to the town square.

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