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On the subject of Roleplay[TM]
pizzatime post_id=36581 time=1558142696 user_id=2073 Wrote:
whats up gamers,
my name is steven callahon, and i felt it was important to talk about the subject of roleplay, IC, and other earthly considerations that may or may not extend into referring to your character as a build type or obnoxiously and or unironically using ingame titles (hitting hard on this doomwall thing, as you'll come to find) as an IC for your character.


Good day, I can perhaps see why you've brought this up, especially considering the doomwall phrase, as someone who was around during the first instances of the use of that phrase I can assure you that it was made entirely IC at the time, it just stuck around for a long time as well, and has been used frequently to describe some characters since GR when people could freely make any sort of tank they desired, more on this later.

Though, you say that by no means you are targetting, witch hunting or slandering anyone with this post, it seems that a short while ago in the IC or looc or whatever have you take it as, when the phrase was mentioned that a little bit of issue was raised in response to the phrase, but I'll happily believe your text in bold here for the sake of this post.

Quote:im not any authority to dictate proper rp or improper rp, but for the past month or so ive noticed a trend of players referring to themselves by build names or other strenously tight titles (shes a ghost, bro!) or flatout mechanics (hes a eviter, bro). while i cant wave a wand and demand everyone drop what they're doing and change their IC, it is important to understand and differentiate the two key aspects to a roleplay setting;

I agree with you in this instance, such behavior in the IC is often looked down upon as a lack of quality in roleplay.

But, I don't think I've seen anyone running around and donning such titles, maybe a few roleplayers have been around referring to obvious in game mechanics as things in IC, but not enough to what I'd consider a trend, far from that in fact as a lot of roleplayers tend to make conscious decisions to abstain from this and think of ways to convey such mechanics into IC, or simply stay vague about it in the first place.

It is also important to note that many of the roleplayers who fall under this concern are simply newer to the game and will correct themselves in time, it is important to either correct them polite-fully or to simply ignore it if it isn't any of your business to give them advice, instead of making a thread complaining over it.

Quote:at this point you might ask yourself, "but steven, its obviously a use of in-universe lore concepts and theyre phrases that exist, so obviously it CANT be that bad"
in one perfect world, you might be right -- but the blatant use of these words -- and or job titles -- is thrown around so loosely that it feels more like a common staple (an obnoxious one at that) than the reputation theyre supposed to represent. in ye olden times, you didnt call duke lastname "the duke" to his face, you referred to his role in a status befitting of it's reputation, 'your humble grace befits you, ser lastname, duke of randomshire, greatest of all tapdancers in the land.' jobs, easy to obtain mechanically, hold a much greater significance ICly due to the feats/skills that are common to their profession (just because focus allows you to stomp with the force of a contained earthquake doesnt make it any less impressive, you know), but are met with such flatfaced and almost expressionless praise more akin to trading pokemon cards;
Quote:whoa bro are you using boardshaker? i didnt know you were a Chauturan Black Knight, dudebroski

I don't quite know how to respond to this one, simply because its not correct, blatant use of class names such as Ghost or spellthief or void assassin or what have you are not at all common place, to refer to another character as such without first knowing what that character is exactly is simply rude, if I make a standard knight who isn't at all the easiest to take down (Ghost/BK), but their background is as an imperialist or something else, then any person who refers to them as a Black Knight can simply be corrected in the IC easily, responding to such with their actual title, everything wraps up neatly.

That said some job titles do exist in the setting, the immortal black knights of Chatarunga, the esteemed engineers of Karaten, the holy priests of Lispool, the wandering lantern bearers, evokers, hexers, demon hunters, summoners, boxers, monks, verglases and such.

All of these classes do exist in the setting as actual roles or titles that characters can fill should they choose to, that much can be respected as well.

Quote:a final point of contention is the obnoxious use of ooc builds as ic character jobs/titles. i don't think i need to write a 2000 page essay on why using the word "doomwall" IC, unironically, isnt exactly what id consider solid rp; it just sounds like one of those 'le epic 4th wall surrealism' things you'd find on those new age gaudy deadpool comic books.

And yet here you are, writing a large post on why using the word doomwall has sparked you to write this thread, a genuine, bonafide PSA as to why you might think that such a phrase is inappropriate to the setting of SL2, I applaud you for withholding your 2000 page thoughts on such a horrific phrase.

Getting back to it, the phrase was used first ICly by one character, it was about my character at the time, the phrase I've never in my life heard before that day, it was a character of mine solely centered on defense, it was a dullahan Monk/BK who reflected damage and healed, that character exists today known as Tedric, and the character that coined the phrased exists today as another. It was only then that the phrase started being used in our ooc circles on Skype and Discord and the such.

In conclusion to this post, I genuinely read on this thread and am reminded of old PSAs thrown out on roleplay by Soapy, and how quickly those threads were canned to simply just being elitism, which is what this thread is sounding a whole lot like right now.

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