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Skiddadle Skeddoodle, you're a Tornoodle.
The stacking system is fine. What's not fine is how fast it will stack up given there are methods that not even someone hard-focused on counterplaying it can deal with. A pretty easy one is Crash Potion. Pop that, and enjoy using Vydel every time 4 enemies are within your range.

If you believe that's not possible or situational? Scarlet Twister has just the right thing to allow you do that.

Besides. You can't reliably Steal from people. It costs 6M 'total'. 3M to move towards the enemy, 3M to steal. This round you did no damage at all, and you're left in Tarnada range. So the swordsman in question can go for the good ol 3-hit-combo thanks to Fleur.

Null Shell costs 6M to prepare and fire, and if you go against Kensei, it will just proc Blade Barrier. Again, not as optimal and you're wasting time, time your Tarnada enemy user will use to dice you apart. So, as I've said. It's fine, but it needs to slow down considerably to not be a game-breaker in PvP.

The final word will be yours, but please, re-considerate the many ways it can be abused to the point it stops being a nerf.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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