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New Race: Ursidae
I'll offer some critique.

The base stat-line:
It's not very bear-like It's got high strength, and high vit, but otherwise it's very similar to Lupine, with a few defensive stats shuffled around into different places. I don't personally feel they add anything different, beyond potentially being a fast Lupine.

Instinct (Ursidae):
This is too strong. Absolutely too strong. Going by the average 40 SAN that most Kael grab, you'd be doing 10% more damage at full health, 15% at 50% health, and 20% at 25% health, I'm you're reading it the way I think you intended it. I don't know how you plan to have it interact with the Instinct trait, but I can only assume it would shuffle the numbers to 15% at 75% health, and 20% at 50%

That's a massive roid, for a crazy good stat investment, with the only condition being the most prominent status effect in the game, whose sources are predominantly not even checked through status-infliction.

My suggestion would be to make it 1% per 8 scaled SAN. It doesn't kick in until you're below 75% health, and the target is feared. At 50% health, the scaling changes to 2% per 8 scaled SAN, and at 25% health the scaling changes to 3% per 8 scaled SAN. Instinct does not affect it. The scaling is to avoid any funky numbers, as SAN/5-6 give a lot of decimals.

This ensures a relatively high investment for a lot of bonus damage. I'm not at all fond of giving a race something like this, because I can already feel the % damage stacking in my bones, but I'm willing to play ball, because the rest of the idea is interesting.

One Bear Army:
This idea would be interesting, if it wasn't almost exclusively useless.

Engineer's bots ignore armour, they shoot with guns. Sure, they can miss, but evade is typically not a huge issue for any Engineer.
Summoners ignore both, outside of Evasion procs, which might be somewhat useful.
Monsters are not only going to hit you anyway at extremely high level, they're more prone to using magic than not.

It would see most effective use against a Papillion, or pathetically against a Ghost with a Wraithguard up, if you don't have your own up, that is.

This should instead be changed to general DR, per enemy outnumbering you. Something like 2% (stacking) DR per person beyond the first enemy on the first. So, say you faced off against 10 enemies, you would gain 18% general DR. This should go towards diminishing returns, of course.

Alternatively, giving the original idea magic armour could also solve the issue (at least for Summoners and monsters), but it could quickly get out of hand without a cap.

Make it 5 magical armour, physical armour, and evade per enemy, beyond the first one, capping at 15 to keep it (relatively) fair. 15 flat reduction to everything is nothing to scoff at, when combined with other sources. It's a free, better 10*

Additional notes
I like the rest of the traits. They're sufficiently bear-like and reasonable. I worry the immediate reaction is to run these as a rush-down Mortissimo Ghost/Monk, because that's pretty much what they're hyper geared towards.

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