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Unlimited Power (Eternal Servitude)
Dezark post_id=38330 time=1574398937 user_id=571 Wrote:If it a spell being cast for the staff than I imagine there a number of options to counteract it as there is any other build, or if in term of team fight and you know what your suffering, pack in negotiate as a ST (I'm sure many folk still run it on the side), confusion if you really want it to punish their allies in turn, or silence/KD of your own.

Keep in mind there are a number of ways to prevent most counters, from gentle rebia to kip up or allies. Confusion is inflict based and assumes you are close enough and they aren't finishing the same turn they started on via Rage/Boxer/etc.
Not to mention if you decide to sprint across the arena and confusion the guy in the middle of his team...he'll just stop and all of them will kill you putting your team at another disadvantage.

Removing the debuffs still means you're spending 3m minimum or 6m total if you were also knocked down. Plenty of value for the investment especially if all four people on your team have to do it. Don't forget too, that there is no immunity to the non knockdown effects. So they can just recast or an ally can cast it.

I don't believe anything should be balanced around the idea of knowing your enemy has it ahead of time, but that wasn't really the point here so I didn't focus on it.

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