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Player Count for Player Properties
Player Housing is a great way to create unique and diverse environments and flesh out the world and open up many new avenues of interactions - or at least they would be if it weren't for the fact that there's no way of telling if a property is empty or not.

So, a probable fix to this could be the addition of a 'Player's Inside' counter visible on a property's frontage in some regard. This way, players can tell if a certain venue is active, and even if it isn't, if they linger inside then other players would be incentivized to join them as they'd see that there's opportunity to roleplay within which in turn can draw an even larger crowd into a venue that may have otherwise remained totally empty.

Also this should almost certainly be an optional feature though, a lot of people prefer their privacy, especially if they're planning an event or are running some manner of scene they don't want intrusions upon.

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