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Pacifist Bane
Personally, the only time i've ever seen the FP Regen be noticeable was on a GS/Priest who used their summons a lot, thusly burning more FP. I was able to get 4 Youkai out and hardly sap any FP while also being able to use my skills as per usual and remain in a reasonable amount of FP.

Remove GS from the equation and it's definitely a lot more noticeable on how...meh Pacifist Boon's FP Regen is. So. I'm pretty sure removing the accidental damage meme from Pray has been suggested at least 5 times. So. I'm fine with that being put in.

Granted, I rarely find myself in many scenarios even on a Pacifist Priest where i'd be utilizing Pray too much or using absolute healing. But the fact that it does get screwed WHEN I happen to mechanically is pretty yikes.

As for what to do with it, hell if I know. Aiding others to keep yourself a pacifism already seems weird so probably just make it so you get increased DEF or Aegis gets buffed or something. As long as the "i pray, you get smite, and die with this boon' goes away, we're already on the right track.

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