02-20-2020, 06:41 PM
Can I have a little bit of information on the general character and Region of houses: Tunnin(Yeah I know they have a human on their seat but that doesn't really give me the type of thing I want to know), Trymela(I think they are more in charge or own the capital for some reason although I don't know why apparently they got on the council due to leveraging diplomatic connections?), Zelag(They are small and were a target, they have no military northwest of the Godly Stage friends with house Echor but have a lot of political clout), and Suran(Massecured the Marble Masons and stole their land and seat, Spidery? House Orin hates them a lot you know because of the whole massacre thing which is fair)? Mostly interested in geography and house values. (editing for rereading the information on the houses we do have)
1,000 Counts of 27.