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Invocation 'Extra' Seed
Hard disagree here chief, I'm sorry but I don't believe the weight of what you said is fully clear., so I'll break it down

Magnetize lord seed is 50 magnetize, 25 hit, multiply it by 4 and it alone is 100 hit on enemies affected up to 4 with a line tome.

Charm is 25% as a lord seed, making it do 100% charm for 12 duration as the same rank C meaning you could treat them like dirt and they'd love you more than an alraune.

Poison would not be so bad but the duration would be EASILY abused by menovs fang being level 40 turned 80 for 12 turns multiplied by menovs

Celsius would reduce your movement by 12

acidity would reduce your defenses by 40

burn would do 100 damage per turn and reduce all of your bonus defense.

and that isn't counting the fact that with all seeds being purely damage the tome currently does 100% SWA +325% elemental attack with the safe route on a single cast. It just would not be fitting to allow someone to effectively make a rank C tactical nuke of an invocation that potentially can apply game breaking status debuffs

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