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Ethan's QoL and BDP changes.
Hey Sigrogonians, Ethan here.

Through my brief time of playing Sigrogana Legends 2, I have noticed some things that made some aspects of the game slightly annoying. I am by no means a great sage of wisdom, but rather a guy with some common sense. So I'm just going to throw some ideas and changes at a forum post, see what sticks and maybe see some changes in the future if all goes well.

Quality of Life Changes
Should make things easier

Travel is a weird concept in Sigrogana Legends 2, It took me three characters to discover that I could go to different places on the world map through the mage's guild. I had assumed for the most part that the Mage's guild use was solely going to be used for enchanting gear and equipment. Another aspect that seems to gripe at me is the tutorial spawn in Cellsvich. While I do not mind that spawn is in Cellsvich itself, the main gripe is that Cellsvich is the only option. It is from this that naturally, Cellsvich has become the main town of the server. Disregarding any other places on the map as potential starts and being the most developed and active.

So here's a couple of things that could be added.
  • Allow Dormenho to have a Port System, another means of fast travel to other places. If a Cat-Eared detective in Tannis can tell a story about a ship mysteriously going in a place it shouldn't, shouldn't players be allowed to travel on ships..? Or we could allow players to buy ships and travel around the overworld on water in these ships, much like in RPG games. Pirating Intensifies
  • Allow the tutorial teleporter to spawn in other capitals other than Cellsvich, also add similar starting areas to the Jammer Cavern present in the starting area. That way, the focus of the server will not be focused on Cellsvich in particular and rather on the worldscape itself.
  • Create an Asago quest that shows requires you to use the Mage's Guild teleporter or Port System, this would show players that they can leave the starting continent and how to do so.

Battle has also some minor inconveniences present, my main inconvenience is the unclear elite system that adds modifiers to monsters. Let's say I am a newer player and I encounter a jammer, I have been putting alot into my attack and have enough attack to one-hit KO a jammer. I then go on to move and attack the jammer, only to realize that the jammer was secretly a sturdy jammer and thus survived my attack. I knew the capabilities of a jammer, and wasn't prepared for the fact that this jammer was sturdy. I had no real indication of this and will have to manually check every jammer from now on to see if they have any unique modifiers. So with this in mind, I propose the following.
  • Enemies with special modifiers will have a crown above their head, similar to those that appear above BDPs when completed, this will clue the player into the fact that this enemy has a modifier.
  • At the start of every battle, display a list in the chat. This list will display the following data about monsters.
    • Level, Enemy Name, Amount of that Monster, and Special Modifiers.
      • For example, x2 Jammer LVL 1, x1 Arcane Jammer LVL 4

Black Door Phonmeona
Random Dungeon Variety

BDPs are some of the most frequented and rewarding source of equipment and experience. However, they have too little of variation and fall into a linear gameplay loop. Modifiers are some of the things that alleviate this, and more of them would also give dungeons a bit more life too them rather than them just being punching bags for us to complete. Here are some ideas I have in mind but more could been added in the future.

All enemies are replaced with Arena Combatants.

Enemies have a chance to be enchanted with Galren, Kraken, Redgull, Nerhaven or Talvyd.

Every encounter has a guranteed chance to spawn an enemy with a modifier, bosses can also have modifiers.

Boss Rush
Amount of enemies on each floor is dramatically reduced, all enemies are replaced with boss encounters.

At the end of a round, if standing next to an ally or enemy. Status effects are transferred, status effects transferred this way are lost at the end of combat.

More rock hazards are added in combat, dungeons are covered in rocks.

After every round, a spot is designated for an explosion much like the explosion spell. At the end of that round, the explosion will trigger, dealing damage based on the dungeon's level. Rinse and repeat.

More resources, traps and interactables are present.

I was feeling like adding more to this post from here, but I found that I might be putting too much on one post. I hope to see where this thread goes, regardless. Hope you enjoyed the idea. This post was more or less a binge post more than anything else.

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