05-12-2020, 07:16 AM
I know I hardly post, but I'll say this, Autohits in terms of Damage after they got adjusted after GR, where they were SWA/ELEAttack based, have ALWAYS been able to scale better then Basic attacks can. By a truckload after Basic attacks got their nerf to their bonus damage. I personally would just tone down what scaling auto attacks can do by enough where Dodges can survive, cause Dodges usually have to either build hit for basic attack and lose out on scaling, or just be worse then a tank overall by scaling autohits because they also have to build dodge stats to proc evasion reliably, and then be able to have the FP for those autohits.
I agree with Snake here, on toning down the damage for autohits, but I wouldn't do 140% for all of them. I'd do that for about the max, unless they are a finishing move like Execute, or Enma's. Make skills that ignore evasion have less scaling so while you DO get that good damage, you don't straight up melt them by just spamming it, stuff like this is what I would opt for, not bolstering their DR, or giving them more evade per level. Basic attack builds are there for a reason, we don't need to go back to Afterimage days where you actually have to use specific combinations to hit dodges with basic attacks, because Hitting with those basic attacks is meant to be the counter to dodgies in the first place.
Also when it comes to ignoring evasion attacks, why are there so many limited ignoring armor or reducing effects? Like more options to place stuff like Acidity, while obviously not going into stupidly high amounts of it, would be a good way of also helping out, also if there is a need for skills to have -def or res to them, -5def/res does literally jack all at this point in the game due to how diminishing returns work. Geldoren if you don't crit, will give you like what...Two extra damage? And like 4 if you crit? It ain't worth it if you really think about it.
I agree with Snake here, on toning down the damage for autohits, but I wouldn't do 140% for all of them. I'd do that for about the max, unless they are a finishing move like Execute, or Enma's. Make skills that ignore evasion have less scaling so while you DO get that good damage, you don't straight up melt them by just spamming it, stuff like this is what I would opt for, not bolstering their DR, or giving them more evade per level. Basic attack builds are there for a reason, we don't need to go back to Afterimage days where you actually have to use specific combinations to hit dodges with basic attacks, because Hitting with those basic attacks is meant to be the counter to dodgies in the first place.
Also when it comes to ignoring evasion attacks, why are there so many limited ignoring armor or reducing effects? Like more options to place stuff like Acidity, while obviously not going into stupidly high amounts of it, would be a good way of also helping out, also if there is a need for skills to have -def or res to them, -5def/res does literally jack all at this point in the game due to how diminishing returns work. Geldoren if you don't crit, will give you like what...Two extra damage? And like 4 if you crit? It ain't worth it if you really think about it.