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Truly Snake Dancing [Cobra Interactions]
Unless Snake Dancer has some other major QoL changes made to it in accompaniment, I don't think I'd be for this.

I can agree that status effects shouldn't apply on attacks that function as a miss on cobra, thematically, but it's fairly balanced as is and I wouldn't want to mess with that too much.

Making AoEs an easy way of hitting snake dancers, which I assume is the point and major extent of these changes, makes cobra even worse to handle against those sorts of attacks.

Now, instead of only being KDed while dodging the damage of a kadouha, I'll instead lose all my snake dancing charges, take full damage, and be KDed by kadouha. Grenades launched within range of a cobra user are guaranteed to hit, regardless of positioning or other stuff. Cyclone spear. Just about every class has a very solid AoE fall back option that they can hit cobra users with. I feel like it just invalidates snake dancer as a tool in more situations than it provides a boon.

This is wayy more in nerf territory than buff territory, and I don't think snake dancer deserves that treatment.

I could be misunderstanding it. In which case, I'll clarify how I'm understanding this.

>attack is made
>If snake dancer in attack area, hitcheck is made
>If pass, functions normally.
>If fail, snake dancer procs. Consumes charge 1 of Snake Dancer.
>New position w/ snake dancer dodge
>if AOE, hitcheck is made if snake dancer is still in AOE range.
>If pass, functions normally.
>If fail, snake dancer procs. Consumes charge 2 of Snake Dancer.
>If dancer is still in AoE range, they're struck.

I had to read twice to make sure I was understanding this right, and I still might not be. I couldn't call this anything other than a nerf, with the only benefits it really provides being an avoidance of additional effects from attacks on cobra procs- which is relatively minor compared to extremely easily confirmed hits against a snake dancer without caring for positioning.

I guess take this with a grain of salt since I've gotten to extensively use cobra and understand how it works in practice. But IMO that's why I can confidently say this would suck as a change for cobras and would make it even more appealing to build Demon Hunters tanky over dodgy.

--If that's the goal, to nerf Snake Dancer, though, then this is a change that's on target for that. I don't have any comment on whether that's a good thing to do or a bad thing to do.

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RE: Truly Snake Dancing [Cobra Interactions] - by Maksimum_Fire - 06-27-2020, 07:24 PM

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