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Spent (Charm)
Personally, if someone wants to wear a Heart of Stone to prevent such a potential risk, then that's the same as for kitting for something else a slight bit niche. If someone wants to build for charm, it's my fault for not building status resistance, bringing some form of extra ways to combat it or really, anything to counter it as a whole.

I saw something like that Orkham tech done before but two of the people on the opposing side were BKs and they were already wary of the person in question being a charmer (not quite to the levels you've given by any means but y'know.)

And boy, I told them the most simple thing. "Man, sucks that you don't have Unmoving, huh? Would be real cool if you had that now. Wow, you didn't get Steel Mind either? Wild."

Likewise, while I understand it's a bit harder to fit status resist into your builds or to make your fancy build you have in mind work with a Shaitan or you just can't play Magic Gunner, i'm of the personal belief overall that people who have options, commonly accessible through items or otherwise (doubly so if it's a Foot or Accessory Slot) should just y'know.

Use them or risk getting fucked by such things. You use a Heart of Stone. Even I use one. I rarely run into Charmers but when I do? People realize it does nothing since they act as if the item itself doesn't exist.

So I don't know if I can agree with most of this. Even if I rarely see it and would need to see it more in practice to get a better grasp, all i'm seeing is "this sounds really powerful, and charm as a whole fucks people over, so let's weaken it a bit."

To which again, I just say "Or y'know, build to protect against X or get fucked by X" typically. Hell, i'd be weaker overall from removing one of my acc slots from most my chars but I can technically fit in a Heart of Stone if I really want. So yeah.

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