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General Opinion on the Guard System
Why would a player need to be debuffed while they're already capped and about to be soft banned? That makes no sense to me.

The biggest problem I have with the guard system is guards being able to roll up to people out in the wilderness which has been brought up already. When I think of guards from other games, they literally stay in the vicinity of their own kingdom/city/whatever and guard it. Why would they be guarding the open plains and forests or whatever outside of their city? That makes 0 sense but it happens all the time.

The other thing is guards being called for absolutely frivolous shit and handing out jail time for it. I know fines have been suggested, but they need to be pushed for hard, because I've seen people jailed for harmless bullshit. It's akin to a police officer being called for someone J walking and them being thrown in the slammer. To add to this point, not only does this happen but -multiple- guards show up for said more or less harmless crimes. Like, why? Would a squadron of police cars show up for someone being drunk and disorderly? I also feel like there's a lot of pressure for the guards to punish -someone- when they show up.

For example, I had a character that was attacked in the middle of Dormeho and guards showed up and arrested my character for being attacked. They literally were not fighting back, had a max size setting sun dropped on them, and were just trying to de-escalate the situation as they knew the other person that was going apeshit in question and they got arrested after being put to half HP and never once having fought back. Oh and, that person that assaulted me? They weren't apprehended LUL. I'm not blaming the guards in question because the system facilitates this, but it leads to some absolutely backwards as fuck shit. Guards don't show up and take statements, they just dole out arrests, especially if the court of public opinion has determined a bad guy before the guards arrive at the scene.

Messages In This Thread
General Opinion on the Guard System - by Aqua - 11-02-2020, 12:09 PM
RE: General Opinion on the Guard System - by Perdition - 11-03-2020, 03:34 PM
RE: General Opinion on the Guard System - by Aqua - 11-05-2020, 01:57 PM

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