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Velossfaeniel van Fenrir, Master Scientiest/Surgeon
Applicable BYOND Key - Van Fenrir4

Character Name - Velossfaeniel van Fenrir (Elf)
Request Type - Character Ability (Genius Scientist/Doctor)

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - The Character I am suggesting this for, has one purpose in her life and that is to decode the "blueprint to life". She is an Elf thats older than the current counted time and has been around during the Heavens contention even though back then sheltered on mersales. She strayed away from the convenient arts of Mercala, and began to study alternative forms, for the cases where Mercala simply fails (as its restorative healing, rather than true healing)
While she has been around ICly for a think a bit over 3 Years now, I made serval requests already that include her studies but wish to make this more official and elaborate on future goals as well.  Things I wish for her to be proficient in, involves in a sense genetics/alchemy, as well as Monster creation (I once asked that in Lore before and got the approval of that being possible) as I feel all of those things, from an IC standpoint, would help her solve the mysteries of life itself.
So what do I envision?:
-One of the worlds best Surgeons: I once asked Chaos about being able to do Open Heart surgeries roughly 2 OOC years ago, which he approved under the condition that she spends time from the point I asked for it, studying it. 5 IC years, which I am long past now but think that she should have advanced since. Would be to an extent brain surgery possible?  Generally her having a "standing" in the world in that field, being known as one? I imagine her as someone who would frequent Karatyn and giving lectures as a professor at their university.

-Monsterlogist: The ability to research and break down monsters/humans in detail and reassemble them as well as creating whole new breeds of Monsters with special traits. Even the ability to replace Limbs with others (Like...Humans with Crabnoid hands. AKA shaitan light)

-Engineering Mastermind: To help her research, she relies on machinery over magic in most cases to help her by pass Human/Elf limitations. This reaches from Surgery tools to prosthetics over to advanced Mechanation/Bots or other tools that assist her research. 

-Alchemist Loremaster: capable of brewing lots of potions, and creates her own ones of various effects. Mostly Medicine, as she is a capable doctor but also "Enhancing Drugs" and body modifications.

-Researcher of "Blueprint to life": While there has been one event played out once, where she obtained some unspecified ancient knowledge, her main goal is to try and recreate life. Based on the one lore bubble that pops up periodically that all life can be recreated as long as one has the blueprint to it. Essentially that means that she is working towards "cloning" a life which is her main motivation behind being a doctor/monster scientist to find hits towards that.
I do not want to get approved that she can, but it would be nice if I could actively work towards that and mayhaps get slight milestones towards it. For example? Able to perfectly recreate someones finger->hand->Arm etc which can be used to replace lost limbs or malfunctioning organs and therefore save lives of people that mayhaps otherwise be doomed.
This also includes spiritual studies, of course.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
  • Lore: Outside of her being a Old dedicated Elf Scientist, I had serval things approved/confirmed in the past (mentioned above) and have been part with that character on some events that supposedly give her some deeper knowledge, which I never really could clarify on. 
    The Lore bubble about "Blueprint of life" is basically what inspired this whole character, and I have asked in the past in Lore about the possibility of creating Monsters ICly (which obviously would be illegal in most parts of the world). I assume that part and the more "Conventional" surgeon stuff is what probably needs approval here. The rest seems relatively basic.

  • Roleplay: I have been rping that character for a bit over 3 years on and off. She has always been a not combat character, who has been one of the first Doctors when the Sancutary First opponent and left upon a disagreement with the new lead and the "Overuse" of Mercala, for her taste. She actively avoids using Mercala when she can, as she thinks people rely on it too much and become careless and during certain IC events (mainly around the grief parasite events of before New Cellsvich) were Mercala was ineffective, she was reconfirmed that convenience isn't always the best.
    She is the Head Scientist of an long established (by me, but played by serval people) faction "Fenrir Military Academy", which is a military force of Hyoya (Or rather works closely with them and usually stays in Lordwain).
    I often used to RP her as a "Quest giver" kind of character, I used to send people into dungeons to gather certain monster components or even capture Monsters for payment which she in turn used for her researches.
    She is a true neutral person, who has serval labs around the globe for her researches (along with helping hands) that are mostly hidden to avoid troubles with the Law. She goes however great distances to further her research and has often experimented on the living as well as the dead. For example she would test new medicine/surgeries on people that otherwise couldn't afford treatment. 
    her studies of replicating life, basically go through the other sucjects I mentioned which is why she is seeking to advance those subjects as much as she can, with her "Immortal" life.

    I do not want any mechanical benefits of course, most of this is Characterstory/Future direction for them  This is also used for "Private RPs" and events I had a lot, which I never really used in game as I was uncertain as far as I could go with this, so I am trying to make it "Offical" here.

Messages In This Thread
Velossfaeniel van Fenrir, Master Scientiest/Surgeon - by Shujin - 11-11-2020, 05:27 PM
RE: Master Scientiest/Surgeon - by Slydria - 11-13-2020, 10:05 PM
RE: Master Scientiest/Surgeon - by Shujin - 11-17-2020, 08:17 AM

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