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Basic Hits, Boxers and Martial Arts In General
I think that even Monk is missing a lot of much needed basic attack support to it to really cement in the fact that people want to run basic attacking sets without duelist nowadays a lot of the time. I do agree that Boxer could use some basic attacking support, but they already have a lot of skill variety, I could end up seeing a passive in the class that converts their non-magic autohits into basic attacks, perhaps even make it a toggle, that way Scharfe will see some fairly distinct usage.

As for Monk, to throw some ideas out into the wind I have some ideas on what Monk could use basic attack wise:

-A Gap Closer for starters would be good for them, introducing a gap closer which scales distance from ki is not a bad idea.

-A Basic attack that when lands increases your Acid ATK for a decent duration, call it like Twin Snakes and have it give +5/10/15 Acid ATK on a successful hit (1.5x when crit)

-Ala old Sky Chariot, perhaps a basic attack that knocks down when you hit an opponent's flank, spending an inconsequential amount of ki to do so, this would give synergy to a poorly underutilized fist, Deadclaw.

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RE: Basic Hits, Boxers and Martial Arts In General - by Autumn - 02-03-2021, 06:34 PM

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