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Accel booster upgrades
Now the agile mech's accel booster is probably one of the most used mech traits. a 1m move skill that can work with any class is really useful, so I do not want to add anything to the base trait to make it stronger. Instead I wanted to add possible 'upgrades' for the trait like I am doing with the other mech classes, allowing a bit more customization for the thing that makes them special. Most of these are going to scale off of how much they are hurting themself with the move.

Agile mech upgrade suggestions for accel booster:
1) built up burning damage from use added to kick skills. Turn the downside into a weapon and shove a hot pipe in someone's face. building up damage on themselves to do more damage on kicks means they can play a risk-reward gamble
2) burning trails on where you boost. Similar to the firefox leaving fire where it walks, the fire from the jets burns the ground, leaving cinders that do 1/3rd of the burn damage they take to move, covering their escape a bit.
3) maybe they get a new skill, vent heat. Releases the built up heat in a dangerous jet of fire like a fir-thrower. Does fire damage in a 3 tile line based on how much the burn damage built up before using, and then clears all heat.

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Accel booster upgrades - by DonoftheDerps - 06-05-2021, 01:46 PM

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