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(v 2.47) Still in a dream, Snake Eater! (Snake Shot vs BotGF)
Bow of the Green Forest's LV3 Poison takes priority over Snake Shot's LV15 Poison, on critical hit by utilizing Snake Shot with a Bow of the Green Forest.

In this case, the LV3 Poison (On-Critical Bow of the Green Forest effect) should have been replaced by the LV15 Poison (Snake Shot), but it didn't, and I believe this is a bug, because there has been a fix involving status effects of a lower LV replacing ones that have a higher LV.

How to replicate:

- Have a 100% Critical Hit chance Bow of the Green Forest
- Use Snake Shot at its maximum rank, expecting the Poison LV to be 15.
- Cry sadly, as it is only LV3 and the game didn't process the LV differences of both Poison inflictions.

Possible fix:

- Make Snake Shot's Poison status apply before on-hit/on-critical hit effects.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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(v 2.47) Still in a dream, Snake Eater! (Snake Shot vs BotGF) - by Snake - 07-09-2021, 04:44 PM

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