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Zerg's Guide to Building - GR2 Edition
Before we begin:  This guide is being written in the assumption that you have cleared the tutorial and have read at least the beginner stuff in the wiki. If you haven't, please do so now. Secondly, the info I'm going to list and explain here is the most up to date to the current version of the game (V2.50). If the wiki or possibly in-game tips state something different than what I say here, then take my word for it over that for much of that stuff hasn't been updated in forever. The last thing I want to make clear is that my building advice IS ABSOLUTELY SUBJECTIVE. I consider myself well experienced in regards to building, but everyone has their own opinions on what should be prioritized or whatnot. I just wish to offer a rough outline for what I try to aim for when building my own sets for those who have absolutely no idea what they are doing. With that out of the way...

Heyo, this is Zerg. Some of you might know me as In-Sain on Discord, or as one of your resident Event Runners. I'm making this extensive post today in order to help ease people into the largest barrier of entry to a new player. Yes...   I am indeed referring to building and stats! While Fern made an amazing guide on this stuff a while back, it's unfortunately vastly outdated and doesn't cover a couple of points that I like to teach new players in regards to the topic at hand. For this reason, I took it upon myself to bestow much of the knowledge I have on it into a guide post. Now for how this will be set up, I plan on doing posts over time that will cover various topics in regards to building when I get a chance in my busy schedule. 

For today's class, we're gonna keep things simple and review the core game mechanics, yaaaaaaaaay!.


Yeah ok, I admit that it's not super exciting, but it doesn't make it any less important for what I'll cover later. So without further ado, let's get into mechanics.



To start things off, let's review what your stats do.
Variable/Derived Stats (These get modified by core stats and other sources)

Hit Points (HP): If this hits 0, you die/become incapacitated. It's probably in your best interest to avoid that. You get 1 HP for free on any invested core stat point.

Focus Points (FP): Used as the universal skill/magic resource in the game. Most skills and spells will utilize fp in varying degrees, and a lack of it will prevent the usage of said abilities. 

Encumbrance (Encum): This is represented in the stat menu with the little chest icon. Most non-donationc/rafting/key items will weight 1 unit. Be sure that you keep that weight under your encumbrance, or you gonna regret it when you got to lug your sorry self slowly back to the nearest pawn shop.

Battle Weight (BW): Displayed right below encumbrance. While unequiped weapons/gear weigh 1 unit in your bag, they have their own weight value for when they are worn. If you go over your max BW, you'll lose hit/eva/movement/momentum in battle which scales with how far above you are. Needless to say, you always want to keep within your capacity here.

Elemental Attack: In the stat menu are values for various elements. There's one for Fire/Ice/Wind/Earth/Dark/Water/Light/Lightning/Acid/Sound, and there is a core stat associated with each one. These values are utilized for attacks of said elements.

Elemental Resistance: Located to the right of Ele-Atk as a %. This is gained largely from equipment or racial traits, but SAN also provides a small amount as well. If you take an attack with a 25% resistance to it or higher, then you trigger RESIST! which will usually reduce the attacker's momentum by 1. The opposite is also true however, and taking an attack with a -25% res will cause WEAK!, granting the attacker 1 momentum instead. 

Hit: Used to calculate chance to hit with most attacks. Mostly raised via stats and weapon upgrades.

Evade (Eva): Used to calculate chance to avoid an attack. Hit vs Eva is a flat check between the attacker and defender. (Ex: An 210 hit attacker vs 130 eva defender would have a 80% chance to hit). This gets a bit more complicated with the recent evasion rework (GR2), but more on that later.

Critical Chance (Crit): The percent odds of a basic attack action becoming a critical hit. Successful criticals will increase the attack's damage by the Crit Dmg mod, and if it's the first time a specific weapon crit during a turn, the critter get refunded 1 momentum. 

Critical Evade (Crit Eva): Similar to how Eva works for Hit, Crit Eva gives a flat reduction to the attacker's crit.

Critical Damage (Crit Dmg): The damage amount that a basic attack is modded by on a Crit (200% Crit mod would make the attack do 2x the normal damage for example).

Initiative (Ini): Used to determine initial turn order. The turn order goes from highest to lowest Ini, however the game has a system in place to alternate which team is going. That means even if one team has only people who are 50+ Ini vs a team of sub 10 Ini, the turn order would cause the fastest person on the slower team to move 2nd.

Physical Defense (Phys Def): The amount of damage reduced by a % for physical damage. Note that any skills/passives/etc that increase this such as Black Knight's 10% Phys Dmg reduction are multiplicative with Phys Def.

Magical Defense (Mag Def): The same as above, but for magic damage.

Status Inflict (Stat Inf): If you see anything refer to a chance or a luck-based chance for a status/effect, then this is the value used. Just like Hit, it's the flat % chance that the effect occurs.

Status Resistance (Stat Res): Same as Eva, but for status inflicts.

Flanking (Flank): If you attack someone from the sides/behind, you gain an increased chance to hit based on this value. You gain 33% of the value from the sides in hit and 66% from behind. If there is an ally next to that enemy, then the bonuses become 66% and 100% respectively. 

Skill Pool (SP): Determines how many skills you can equip. Humans get two more of these from their racial, and Destiny will grant 5 more (More on that later.)

Core Stats (These are what you put stat points into)

Strength (STR): Grants +1 Fire Atk and +1 BW/Encum per scaled point (Will get to what scaled means in a bit). You also gain 3hp per base and invested STR, but not on bonus STR (Also more on the difference later). This is the primary weapon scaling stat for Swords/Axes/Lances/Bows/Fists.

Will (WIL): Grants +5 FP per scaled point, +1 skill slot per 10 scaled, and +1 to all Ele-Atk per 4 scaled. This is the primary weapon scaling stat for Tomes and Gem Staves.

Skill (SKI): Grants +1 Ice Atk, 2 Hit, and 0.5 Crit per scaled point, and +1 skill slot per 5 scaled points.

Celerity (CEL): Grants +1 Wind Atk and +2 Eva per scaled point. Also grants 1 Ini per unscaled base and invested Cel, but not bonus.

Defense (DEF): Grants +1 Earth Atk per scaled point, and 0.9% Phys Def per scaled point.

Resistance (RES): Grants +1 Dark Atk per scaled point, and 0.9% Mag Def per scaled point.

Vitality (VIT): Grants +1 Water Atk and Encum per scaled point, and 10 HP per scaled point. 

Faith (FAI): Grants +1 Light Atk and Crit Eva per scaled point, and +3 FP per scaled point.

Luck (LUC): Grants +1 Lightning Atk, Crit, Crit Eva, and % item drop rate per scaled point.

Guile (GUI): Grants +1 Acid Atk, Flank, and % Crit Dmg per scaled point, and +1 skill slot per 5 scaled. This is the Primary scaling stat for Guns and Daggers.

Sanctity (SAN): Grants +1 Sound Atk and +2 HP/FP per scaled point, and grants 1% Fire/Ice/Wind/Earth/Dark/Water/Light/Lightning Res per 6 scaled points. It also usually affects racial traits on most non-human races in some way.

Aptitude (APT): Grants +1% increased EXP gain per scaled point, and +1 Bonus point in every other stat every 6 scaled points. (Please don't skip this stat, and build at least 36.)

Phew-  pretty simple, yeah? With that out of the way, my next post will cover important game concepts that will also be important for considering what to build later on.
[Image: Rabbit.PNG]
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Zerg's Guide to Building - GR2 Edition - by InsainArcaneBirdbrain - 09-02-2021, 11:31 PM

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