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Mututally cancelling Amalgama
Amalgama can get resistance/weakness traits that cancel eachother out. I personally feel that basically losing 2 racials coming out of your races gimmick (and which you cant reroll without making a new character... unless you can. IDK) due to bad RNG is bad, so it would be nice if having a weakness or resistance prevented you from getting the opposite.

Messages In This Thread
Mututally cancelling Amalgama - by adamkad1 - 09-10-2021, 04:19 PM
RE: Mututally cancelling Amalgama - by adamkad1 - 09-12-2021, 12:55 PM
RE: Mututally cancelling Amalgama - by Snake - 09-12-2021, 03:51 PM
RE: Mututally cancelling Amalgama - by adamkad1 - 09-12-2021, 08:02 PM

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