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Ow my ears (Bellringer thread)
(08-31-2021, 08:54 PM)Trexmaster Wrote: Sit down Grindylows, the new worst mob in PvE takes its throne.

Bellringers have always been annoying considering their map-wide AoE they spam literally every turn they take, but with the new changes and making them Evasion ignoring, now we have even less Mag DR with which to mitigate their damage.

On top of that, their damage is entirely Sound (the insta-kill doesn't count), the hardest of all the stat-scaled magical damage types in the game to get a resistance against, as the only sources are planetarium material items for 5% a pop or the Neverending Story set that confers 15% Sound resistance for holding both a Mugendai and Konosekai. 10% more resistance than you'd get just making your hand slot planetarium and calling it a day.

As if that wasn't bad enough, you're on an 8 round timer to kill them before they wipe your entire team (you might be able to BoI the damage, dunno), which is often not too difficult to meet but can be increasingly harrowing if multiple Bellringers are present. Though if you're fighting multiple Bellringers odds are they're going to kill you with the Sound damage first.

I don't mind difficult mobs but Bellringers do not seem like something appropriate for random fight encounters. They'd be way less threatening if we at least had a proper Sound resist item.

For now I'd suggest 1. The damage of Crippling Tone be reduced and 2. Final Tone to be adjusted from an instant-death mechanic to something like Adon Graxis with some damage attached to it. That way it's still threatening but not a guaranteed wipe if one whole Bellringer manages to get it off.

Also, speaking of Bellringers, it'd be nice if there were a limit on how many of the same mob Necromancers could have per wave. That way you aren't instantly wiped because he decided to spawn multiple waves entirely consisting of Bellringers. I'd say 2 max of the same unit, or even force it so that only unique mobs are spawned, that way there isn't so much RNG involved in how hard the Necromancer fight actually is.
Like, friggin hell, only soul rage dullahans with a shield can survive the instakill... closely followed by duelists with critposte and a shield. oh and they need to go after the enemy

>Also, speaking of Bellringers, it'd be nice if there were a limit on how many of the same mob Necromancers could have per wave. That way you aren't instantly wiped because he decided to spawn multiple waves entirely consisting of Bellringers. I'd say 2 max of the same unit, or even force it so that only unique mobs are spawned, that way there isn't so much RNG involved in how hard the Necromancer fight actually is.
How hard... or how easy.

Messages In This Thread
Ow my ears (Bellringer thread) - by Snake - 08-31-2021, 01:31 AM
RE: Ow my ears (Bellringer thread) - by Autumn - 08-31-2021, 01:41 AM
RE: Ow my ears (Bellringer thread) - by adamkad1 - 09-12-2021, 10:19 PM

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