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Slanc - Marking Ability
Applicable BYOND Key - Venditore

Character Name - Slanc Ristop

Request Type - Special ability

Request Details -  I am requesting for my character to have a fire magic-oriented marking ability, with which he can etch a symbol into a person's skin. The mark does not harm the person and provides no benefits as an arcane tattoo would. Nor does it have any secret characteristics like attracting demons. It is simply aesthetic, and by all accounts impossible to remove even through Mercana. Finally, using it takes a toll on my character; it cannot be used more frequently than once per week in game time - once every 21 hours in real time. Or, we'll say once every 24 hours in real time to simplify it.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - It is a permanent badge of honor for associates, but not one that can be easily discarded. This means that even if a person walks away, he or she still carries the mark.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - My character is a Salamandra with a chip on his shoulder about how he came to exist, and specializes in hellfire magic, which comes naturally because of the Nairyf blood used in his creation. To augment the concept of the mark being resistant even to Mercana, I have built my character to actually resist Light magic (i.e. over 25% resistance to it). In doing this, I feel that the characteristics of this ability are more justified. (And no, it's not sunglasses; it's orichalum!)

Messages In This Thread
Slanc - Marking Ability - by Jeff - 09-21-2021, 01:13 AM
RE: Slanc - Marking Ability - by K Peculier - 09-26-2021, 02:22 AM

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