I'd also add brain freeze to that, for how niche and unreliable it is, but in short. yes. Maybe even Chimera stance.
That would be helping a good deal already. I have a lot of skill points left but no skill slots. It would be nice if I could invest more skillpoints to counter act that massive skillpool at least a little. (I am way over 40 skills though granted, I can do without all obviously. But thats the pain of basic/skill hybrids with two weapons, without even the mercy of the 5 tome slots. Being a human is not helping much. I can post more details if thats desired.)
That would be helping a good deal already. I have a lot of skill points left but no skill slots. It would be nice if I could invest more skillpoints to counter act that massive skillpool at least a little. (I am way over 40 skills though granted, I can do without all obviously. But thats the pain of basic/skill hybrids with two weapons, without even the mercy of the 5 tome slots. Being a human is not helping much. I can post more details if thats desired.)