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[2.54 M2] Combination strike doesn't apply to retaliate
I was testing some weird monk/dh build that uses combination strike.

I noticed it wasn't working with retaliate specifically. It seems like anything else works fine.

I use reaver stance -> Chaser -> matador stance -> retaliate and the damage is exactly my rage energy (tested against multiple mobs)

Worth mentioning: "All-Fight" from monk DOES work with retaliate. I noticed an interesting difference: All-fight adds a 1.05 multiplier to the calculation, while "Combination Strike" seems to work in the background, showing up as part of the "Initial Damage" in the player-debug logs.

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[2.54 M2] Combination strike doesn't apply to retaliate - by Poruku - 12-31-2021, 07:26 AM

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