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[2.66] Firebird skill "Lift-off" behaves improperly with exactly 5 feathers.

The firebird skill's description is as follows:

Quote:Airborne compatible. Spears can be used as casting tools. Slam your spear into the ground and create a magical burst of elemental energy, which deals elemental damage that ignores evasion (based on element enchant - Fire by default) to all enemies in a 2 Range circle around you, knocking them airborne. If 5 Magical Feathers are available, they're consumed and all tiles in the area are covered by magical feathers.

However, if the skill is used with EXACTLY five feathers remaining, they are consumed, yet the tiles are NOT covered by magical feathers, which means the five feathers are just wasted.

Tested with no elemental enchants on.

To reproduce:

Be a character with the firebird skill "Lift off" equipped, and able to use.

Enter a fight.

Make a movement action such that you have exactly 5 feathers remaining.

Use lift off.

Observe that area around character is not covered in feathers, AND you have zero feathers remaining.

Expected behavior:

For lift off to spread feathers on the map upon using.


For lift off to NOT consume feathers if not spreading feathers on the map.

(Originally reported in 2.54b, have confirmed it still exists in latest live build)

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[2.66] Firebird skill "Lift-off" behaves improperly with exactly 5 feathers. - by lordpidey - 01-08-2022, 08:44 PM

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