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Vampire's Rework issues
Vampire's Sanguine Crest form is not really strong enough to justify the drawbacks. I believe this race needs a few tweaks to become something people can at least consider for RP reasons.

Good things about Vampire at the moment:
- Being able to grief your allies with Confusion, because haha funni.
- Being able to freely dish out Titan Gale to allies with Confusion.

Bad things about Vampire at the moment:
- Base racial numbers that completely force them to be mages or bust.
- Biting enemies will cause you to lose a beneficial buff if they have a trait that has no requirements and a pathetic drawback of -10% status resistance. (Cursed Blood)
- Biting a Glykin will make you take a whopping 60 Light damage and not generate essence.
- Biting an enemy requires a Hit check, and can be subjected to Evade or Glancing Blow, nullifying the effects.
- Biting an enemy is a clear signal that you're a Vampire, because you can't cover that bite as something else like Poison Bite or Argent Bite. It has the bold and gold-shiny name "BANQUET" on it.
- Sanguine Crest, while a good way to hide a Vampire's vampiric side, offers no real significant boons for a Vampire and only serves as a gun pointed at the Vampire's skull if they want to use Lunar Lunatism. The stat bonuses are so incredibly insignificant while subjected to diminishing returns, you'd think you are shooting yourself on the foot. Because now you're 100% subjected to a massive healing reduction and Holy weakness at full force.
- Lunar Lunatism has too many requirements, and one is chained to a mechanic that by itself is full of problems by default. Its dependence on Sanguine Crest severely hinders how a Vampire can roleplay having it enough of someone and removing their masquerate. How things go when a Vampire decides to go all out? "oh hol' up a second, lemme bite you so I can be spooky and evil". Come on, man...
- Due to being the only race that has significant less healing from magical sources for having their kit used, they require a large HP pool. And guess what happens when "Large HP pool" meets "Poison Menov's Fang"?
- Holy weakness makes them fold like wet paper before anyone with a secondary weapon on their Item Belt.
- They're always OOCly bullied. All it takes is a metagamer to look at you doing something with your race for them to spread to the whole community and a half that you are a Vampire. Because it's just that easy to blow up the cover.
- For being 'immortal' ICly, but having their drawback apparently being a bad combatant is not really the way here. It limits people's creativity to make use the race for their own storybuilding. If 'immortality' is broken ICly, fix through lore, not by making the race under perform when compared to flipping HUMANS, who are the baseline of SL2. Like, come on man.

Possible band-aid solutions, I.E just buff the race a little bit and call it a day without utter breaking it again:
- Sanguine Crest grants +4 STR, WIL, SKI, CEL, DEF, as a base bonus. So it does not get subject to diminishing returns.
- Lunar Lunatism should grant Sanguine Crest, and have its only condition be needing your Essence above 100.
- Silvermists heals 8% of your maximum HP along its own heal, removes Poison and grants immunity to it for 2 rounds.

Long-term solutions to the bad stuff:
- Cursed Blood needs to be more hindering to the person who picked that trait, like for example, making them lose Maximum HP% or something like that. It's too 'free' a way to ruin a Vampire player's day.
- A way to get Vampires going around Glykins and Holy, be it through equipment, potions, certain conditions or traits. Meeting brick walls on your gameplay that you can't get around it is not fun at all.
- Give us some form or way to masquerade our Banquets as other racials, or straight up use other racials but instead of their bonus effects, it's just banquet's effects. Like for example, a trait that allows us to use a "Fake" Poison Bite, which works as Poison Bite, but doesn't Poison the enemy, instead it gives you some reduced Essence due to your trickery.
- Make their Immortality work another way, lore-wise, if that's the sole justification of why they should be underpowered mechanically.
- Their healing reduction sometimes ruins team play and makes your Priest sad OOCly that they can't do their job while you're around. And there were once situations where you're a Priest, and your party is composed of 3 Vampires. And all Vampires just keel over and die pathetically because you can't keep them alive. That 'healing reduction' should have a small compensation, like "Reduces Healing by X, but that extra is converted into FP and Essence." or "Converted into a Regeneration LVX for 3 rounds". I don't know if this is plausible but at least 'something'.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
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Messages In This Thread
Vampire's Rework issues - by Snake - 01-17-2022, 07:55 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by Poruku - 01-17-2022, 08:36 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by adamkad1 - 01-17-2022, 09:35 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by Kazzy - 01-18-2022, 02:28 AM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by FaeLenx - 01-19-2022, 04:22 AM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by FaeLenx - 01-19-2022, 07:56 AM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by Autumn - 01-20-2022, 12:05 AM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by FaeLenx - 01-20-2022, 08:55 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by Snake - 01-20-2022, 04:54 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by adamkad1 - 01-21-2022, 05:00 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by Snake - 01-21-2022, 09:25 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by FaeLenx - 01-21-2022, 11:49 PM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by Autumn - 01-22-2022, 12:41 AM
RE: Vampire's Rework issues - by FaeLenx - 01-22-2022, 02:23 AM

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