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Defeat the Summoner User to defeat the Summons
(01-15-2022, 01:13 AM)HaTeD Wrote: hard disagree on emgimeer being left as is. they dont drain anything after the initial summon and give fp back in the form of a buff to be used to RESUMMON A BRAND NEW ONE at a lower cost.

Summoners have a lot of skills that boost their FP regen.

Engineer bots, on the other hand, require you to be destiny rogue to even be effective. I've yet to see a non-destiny engineer build that could throw a bot out on the field without it being an entire waste of 3 momentum and 50 focus. The strongest focus regen in the rogue tree is Spellthief's blue steal. If anything, the change to engineer would need to be making it so that destiny was no longer necessary to make them even worth the investment. 

Considering you can be a summoner of any type with any other class with their own FP regeneration engines on top of summoner's own innate boosts, the game isn't nearly the same for them. Add on the fact that youkai have larger effective threat ranges, mobility options, and more utility in them than easily kited bots and you'll realize that they're not at all similar.

And getting the wreckage bonus is worth so little in the long run that I have never once picked them up on my character that mains engineer. They run a Kirosh because fire tiles used to be OP as fuck, and I just never did change that. 3 momentum to get an effective 25 FP back is actually worse than any other focus generating option and lower than what should be the baseline standard of blue pots.

Regardless, if you feel like they need a balance adjustment, make a new thread for it. It has nothing to do with summoner as the mechanics for either classes are vastly different.

(01-15-2022, 02:28 AM)Autumn Wrote: Engineer's robots are fine by themselves, the FP costs are harsh but manageable, instead the up front strength of engineer's bots comes from the ridiculous interaction with Destiny and stat hard-caps past lvl 60. Seriously, Metalaegis has something like 3000-4000 effective health.

You're at about twice their effective health, actually. And I mean with perfect materials and a maxed leveled destiny metalaegis.
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RE: Defeat the Summoner User to defeat the Summons - by FaeLenx - 02-11-2022, 07:25 PM

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