05-09-2022, 07:42 PM
Finally somebody says it, and breaks it down too. Hard agree.
I think bonder as a class is strong, but nothing too wild for the most part. I think most of the blame lies with youkai in conjunction with bonder, and the frankly ridiculous benefits you can gain from just having a seiryuu sitting on the field or installing many of them for 3m. Pretty much every point has already been mentioned previously, so all I'll say is that I totally agree with the points made in the original post and the spitballed ideas for fixing things as well.
I think bonder as a class is strong, but nothing too wild for the most part. I think most of the blame lies with youkai in conjunction with bonder, and the frankly ridiculous benefits you can gain from just having a seiryuu sitting on the field or installing many of them for 3m. Pretty much every point has already been mentioned previously, so all I'll say is that I totally agree with the points made in the original post and the spitballed ideas for fixing things as well.