06-12-2022, 07:14 AM
(06-10-2022, 09:25 PM)Shujin Wrote: "The solution I provided then was to raise the level cap by 10, affording everyone 40 more points, said 40 affecting the F tier stragglers of GR1 the most -- And stat efficient setups the least. How that would work in GR2, I do not know, as Luck being detatched from hit makes viable hit far more affordable. I am all for general survivability buffs though, such as the 2hp per invested point change."I agree here, raising the soft cap is a horrible idea. Sloping the curve of diminishing returns, sure, probably a good thing, it ramps up way to harshly and should probably have a hard cap of 1 per 2/3 points at full effect.
Just a small little tidbit I like to point out is that raising the soft cap in that scenario is NOT helping the stragglers that need to focus on multipile stats realistically, but makes them struggle even more.
The reason for that is, that with raising the level cap you raise the soft cap automatically. Meaning 4 Main stat andys might aswell just put those points into their 4 most important stats, but little timmy with his 6 stats begins to sweat as he has to spread the 40 points between 6 stats that all have their soft cap raised by 10. so Andy build becomes just overall more efficent compared to timmy.
It would in the end be a win for the ones with less stats needed still. Therefore its mathematically not the Solution you seek. you could of coruse just increase stats per level, that would atleast fall into the diminishing return area as the softcap would remain untouched. Still its not really adressing the problem much in my opinion. Some of the stats they need might actually just need some better return to make it worth their time or the total number of stats they need to function at a base line needs to drop.
Else the Rich get richer and the poor get poorer analogy applies here too.
How to acheive that? I have no fucking idea, but raise of the Level soft cap is not it.
I do think Ferns "Solution" is more in line with what I personally think.
Something like that or a variation such as Keeping two hit check but forgo full evasion negation might be the best option.
Like missing both hitchecks with a slightly greater negation of damage/No status effect (the no status effect is probably the most important change that needs to happen to make it feel worth while)
Missing only one is like old GR1 evasion. And some of the Autohit skills could be changed to auto hitting one roll.
Or really any variations, pretty much everyone agress that it was a bit too hypertuned and polarizing in this attempt but that there are some good ideas still in GR2. Everything at once might have been just a bit too much to change at once and too drastically. If it gets watched for a bit in different intensities I am sure we eventually find a spot where it feels fine enough.