Poll: What should we do with Legend Extending?
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I agree with all of the changes posted above
2 18.18%
I agree with most of the changes posted above
2 18.18%
I agree with some of the changes posted above
4 36.36%
I agree with none of the changes posted above.
3 27.27%
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Legend Extension
I'd like to see a rework of the LE. And I myself not sure how it should be done.

But those are not the change i'd expect.

All of the suggestion presented there make the LE completly useless,

> Have the bonus stat added directly to race. So basically delete it from LE

> Transform profession to reduce tax and mental/phys stamina instead lvl 6. So basically remplace it by something else, that personally, for me, never really bothered me. (meaning, i really can do without the taxe reduce, so why should i bother ?)

> Move Fated to traits. So deleting it from LE

> Remove Creativity. (I admit, i don't even use that one)

> Remove destiny from LE for a NPC.

That left us with a "reduce job taxe", which is really very optionnal, and the transformation.
I guess there's the deja vu too. But to what i've read, you don't even need to spend point. And you really just would need it if you do LE.

So basically it would really just be here for transformation...

That's not really what i call a good change.

Anything else i'd say is that, yes, the profession LE needs a big change. Because not everyone want to be a an ultra warrior to cook pie. 
Level 6 should be available even for non fighting characters. 

Maybe change it to reduce tax would be the appropriate action. I don't know, i'm not placed to really know if it'd work or not.

Messages In This Thread
Legend Extension - by Rendar - 07-27-2022, 02:41 PM
RE: Legend Extension - by Shujin - 07-27-2022, 04:19 PM
RE: Legend Extension - by FaeLenx - 07-27-2022, 09:02 PM
RE: Legend Extension - by Snake - 07-27-2022, 09:16 PM
RE: Legend Extension - by Fern - 07-27-2022, 09:20 PM
RE: Legend Extension - by Joseph Jostar - 07-27-2022, 10:33 PM
RE: Legend Extension - by Slydria - 07-27-2022, 10:53 PM
RE: Legend Extension - by Shujin - 07-29-2022, 11:47 AM
RE: Legend Extension - by lalchi - 07-30-2022, 01:52 AM

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