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Two-Handed Talent for Bows and Fists
Lowering the momentum cost of attacks for basically nothing is so overpowered. . . So crazily overpowered! Let alone the offensive skills. Let's heaven's kick for 2m only? Basic attack for 2 m more? Serpent strikes on top of that. When you have two chances to crit. Hey, there's an extra two momentum for the two fists critting. And you can wear a sarasha gi on top of that! Shukuchi, Heaven Kick to them, Basic with weapon 1, basic with weapon 2, that's seven mana, and you know you'll crit twice, so there's 9. You get another monk offensive attack after that. or if you've got ghost mained, on top of all the claret calls you're inflicting, you can do another basic attack since you got the fleur momentum boost. All while serpent strikes are delivering extra acid damage. Or hell. . . Just 2m heavens kick alone is pretty crazy!
Sky mantis scythes require you to be a corbie and in the air and only trigger once per turn for the lowered momentum effects, and even then they're still strong in the right circumstances.

+25-35 critical damage. . . For one of the weapon types with the highest crit. . .And huge bonus hit. . . Don't forget dragon kings is a thing.

All of this seems way stronger than two hand, when two hand was already crazy strong in my opinion.

Fists already get to two hand AND use fists with mixed martial arts ,and get the double tap passive. They haven't really felt like they're lacking to me, aside from perhaps low base crit multiplier. But serpent strikes help. They don't really fit with two hand's idea anyway. They're just. . Gloves. How do you two hand gloves?

Bows are already two handed weapons, so it doesn't really fit there either. But if we absolutely NEEDED to give them something, it should be bonus range, which is their whole bread and butter.

And I also don't think either weapon type really needs this, nor do I agree that having to build strength over wil for tomes is inherently worse. A certain corbie bowgirl has shown that no vitality and high strength on a bow user is still preeeeetty strong and fairly tanky.

Make wood not suck.

Messages In This Thread
Two-Handed Talent for Bows and Fists - by Snake - 11-23-2022, 05:15 PM
RE: Two-Handed Talent for Bows and Fists - by renowner - 11-27-2022, 12:49 AM

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