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Strength (and I guess willpower) based basic attack crit fishing is a trap
That is the nature of games or at least Sigrogana Legends 2. When it comes to some oldie builds it's just not possible and that is because of a few notes.

We get 240 stat points from level 1 to 60 but the real question is how do you make a STR crit build? Well you need STR for damage, SKI for hit, LUK for crit chance, GUI for Crit damage. With how evade was changed so you can avoid everything you drop around around 60 stat points into SKI, so truth is if you soft cap you go roughly 40 STR, 60 SKI, 40 GUI, 40 LUK, that's 180 stat points with 60 remaining so now you got a choice, you can split 60 into vit/def/res or put 60 into Cel, either way you won't have any FP for this build if you want to do jupiter badge fun.

You could put 43 into Aptness to get stats spread out I guess? In the end where does that actually put this build? Which is why STR should never have been made mandatory again for weapons, the old scaling system was a lot more varied then our current setup and this basically proves it.

TL/DR - Don't use STR weapons for CRIT use a GUI weapon.

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RE: Strength (and I guess willpower) based basic attack crit fishing is a trap - by firehawk11 - 12-02-2022, 02:58 PM

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