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Ghost - Fencer ? I hardly know'er !
I think with Arbalest changes, and proving that sub-types can be also used as flags for weapon skills, we can see Ghosts being able to use certain scythe polearms and swords if they ever come around in the future for their stuff.

But I agree with the following:

- Sanguine Star should be 3M but gain a cooldown.

- Ghastly Strike's gimmick is not really usable anymore. If anything, I'd make it so successfully hitting the enemy and activating the bonus effect will increase the duration of Fear/Hesitation/Flatfoot/Clumsy by 1 round, once per enemy.

- Cut Down should just not consume Claret Call and it will be fine. Maybe halve Claret Call on a target instead after applying its effects.

- Blood Spike and Scarlet Twister should both cost 10% of your maximum HP, but also gain Power equal to the HP consumed, so it doesn't end up meeting a lose-lose situation at times.

- Blood Spike in particular should gain a circle size, not range. Similar to Scarlet Twister, but being the option that doesn't unnecessarily move the enemy.

- Painproof should be changed from a boring conditional and OP damage reduction to:
> Consumes 20% of your maximum HP and grants Painproof LV(HP consumed * 1.5) for 2 rounds.
> Damage taken (after mitigation) is deduced from Painproof's LV instead of HP.
> If Painproof's LV reaches 0, the status will end and you will be inflicted with Stun and Knockdown.
> If Painproof expires due to duration, you will release a shockwave of blood, dealing evade and protection-ignoring Darkness and Water magic damage equal to LV and applying Claret Call LV X to enemies in 4 range of you. (X = Ghost LV/2)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Ghost - Fencer ? I hardly know'er ! - by Ray2064 - 05-15-2023, 08:19 AM
RE: Ghost - Fencer ? I hardly know'er ! - by Snake - 05-23-2023, 04:41 PM
RE: Ghost - Fencer ? I hardly know'er ! - by Fern - 05-23-2023, 09:30 PM

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