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[Ghost] Bonus Feature Failure
Preface: This is a post about ghosts and why they're trash.

So, getting the trope out of the way. Axes are .severely. lacking. One of the Ghost's main class weapons is a sword. The other? An axe. While I know some of you are probably going "WELL AXES ARE JUST FINE!" No.. no they aren't. I don't even play an axe user and I can tell you. Axes need lovin.

So lets look at Ghosts. Ether Invitation is strong. Really strong if you're low on health. Generally a last-ditch move to finish off your opponent. I see nothing wrong with this attack. You'll have a ton of extra to hit because of low hp, which means more skill.

Reaper Scythe? Well.. it's.. okay? It takes out enemies guarding like nothing. However, the main flaw with it is this. First you have to walk up to them, assuming they're guarding it out, you'll have to land a hit to get CC, then hit em like normal. Next turn rolls around if they still are guarding, Reaper Scythe, then an attack. The guard break should give enough damage to make up for the fact that you lost claret call, on them. It's FP cost is phenomenally high for a STR+Rank bonus attack < Unless weapon power factors in somewhere and isn't being stated >. It also makes them unmarkable for 2 turns, and that status on them ends whenever their next turn comes around. Which more or less means you get less than what you put in unless you do it followed up by Ether Invitati- Oh wait. You just lost Claret Call so you can't do that. Review?

Pretty trashy.

Death gaze is GREAT. If you're going against some jackass who doesn't know how to play the game. It's a silence for 2 turns, makes them unmarkable for 4 turns, and causes Rank*10 dark unresistable damage. It also requires your enemy to be FEARED, which. Surprise surprise, means you have to either start off your assault with them being claret called, Haunting beside them, and THEN doing that, or from some other means that your class probably doesn't have. < L'au Dela sword skill OP > Even so, your opponent can spend three momentum to throat opener, or event Silent Prayer as a Lantern Bearer to cure it and put you shit-out-of-luck for over 4 turns because they just cured your useless affliction. Review?

Very impractical in usage. 0/10 would never.

Rebound? Rebounds good. It's kind of a shitty heal, but great against like. A summoner or something... I guess. It gives you resistance alongside Rising game so... Review?

Pretty good. Works well and MOAR RES is never a bad thing.

Claret Call is being used as a high-end commodity that is nothing more than a cheap prostitute that you can only afford every few months. Axes, in general, are .very. poorly loved. That's about all I can say for that part. Now to move to a better.. suited. category.

"Fitting Form" is a skill for Ghosts that give +20 Hit/Crit at maximum for weapons under 5 weight. Cool! It's something that makes low weight people be cool. But... what about the other weapon type Ghosts can use freely? The heavy-as-hell axes? Well... FUCK YOUR AXES. Your axes are going to be thrown in the trash heap because spears, daggers, guns, literally every other fucking weapon in the game thats worth using, can get the Fitting Form bonus. Axes don't have a variant in the class to actually get a bonus.

How about a new skill is introduced to give said weapons love. "If weapon weight is 20 or more, Gives +20 hit/+5 Power" Something along those lines to make using said weapon actually useful. Just something, ANYTHING, to let ghosts use their friggin axes in a practical way that isn't "Wield an axe as a soldier, rely on ghost for Riposte and wraith guard and... very little else."

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