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[Image: image.png]

The Performer Class

It should come as a surprise to absolutely none of you when the Performers are sung as the "objectively" the 'worst' class.
But is it really the case? Is it really the worst class? 
To quite the numbers of people that touched Performer, "Yes!"
To others that didn't, "I don't know?"
And the hopeful few "No!"

But the Performer itself is like a melody of staggering failure with no real connection. It's a very weird class with no solid route whatsoever other than 'Oh well it's not that good as I thought.' in lot of ways.

Before we start discussing the essential flaw of Performers. It's better you get to know their skills.


[Image: gjDPE2m.png]
(Key takeaway. Requires confusion to work. Confused enemy needs to be in attack range. Every rank increases critical by 10) 2 rounds CD
[Image: k06VIM4.png]
(Key takeaway. Requires converted monster within five range. Insta-kill converted monsters to deal 300%/400%/500% elemental damage based on starsign, and ignores evasion in six range AoE.) 3 rounds CD
[Image: EEeMaDu.png]
(Key takeaway. Six-range AoE that inflicts Acid ATK+SWA damage. Can Confuse charmed serpentkinds, and snakemen. Inflicts poison based on rank.) 2 rounds CD
 [Image: hj0lsEw.png]
(Key takeaway. Deals Water ATK+SWA water damage, and reduces Fire ATK base on rank. Become Global if Aquamancer's rainstorm active.) 2 rounds CD


[Image: QuPUmUV.png]
(Key takeaway. One enemy within your range is moved toward a tile within range. How many tile they travel is based on rank. No status inflictions on confused or converted enemy.) 5 rounds CD. 
[Image: 5TNLTEe.png]
(Key takeaway. Two separate infliction checks. One for Charmed, and confusion within 6 tile range.) 3 rounds CD
[Image: VwGkTQn.png]
(Key takeaway. No status infliction required. Reduces enemy's status resistance for 3 rounds in six range.) 3 Rounds CD.
[Image: 467Rze4.png]
(Key takeaway. Deals Sound damage to enemies in six range around you. Boosts everyone's SWA until your next turn.) 2 Rounds CD


[Image: EvWy5nr.png]
(Key takeaway. Requires a single target to have Song of Susceptibility to utilize. Within five range. Character level+10 limit on PVE)
[Image: iPmTD9b.png]
(Key takeaway. 100% Escape rate for 30FP after, or on round 2. Cannot escape bosses or PVP battles)

[Image: lBt2YSC.png]
[Image: lmFik51.png]
[Image: C35z7Kv.png]
(Key takeaway. Extends all songs' duration by LUC chance if you're still SINGING at start of new round.)

[Image: Wa1XY8q.png]
(Key takeaway. Does not require singing.)
[Image: 13rYXrY.png]
(Key takeaway. While Singing.)

[Image: HVEIBlb.png]
(Key takeaway. Evade effective for two attacks.)
[Image: jcBwb6u.png]
(Key takeaway. Any basic attacks or specific skills will inflict bonus sound damage for 3 attacks)
[Image: 7lLtzkN.png]
(Key takeaway. Gains increased critical for two attacks.)
[Image: JWq2B0o.png]
(Key takeaway. Swift guard to their next turn.)
[Image: UPuFOSg.png]
(Key takeaway. Can cure 1D4 negative status effect, odds improved by LUC%)
[Image: zaFn7fm.png]
(Key takeaway. While you're Singing an active bard-song from base class.)
[Image: Wy8it6x.png]
[Image: wAzfKRA.png]


[Image: image.png]


[Image: 4b3tYG4.png]

What qualify as non-basic skill? Well. Almost Everything. Dance skills will break singing. Hell's beating will break singing. Some of the Dark bards' offensive skill will restart Singing, but does not say that on their description. Meaning it's all knowledge-check to see what skills give you Singing, and retains Singing. Because a few passives and innates require that you are to be Singing on start of new round. It can be frustrating to make a decision on what skills you need to use your last 3M on, before you end turn otherwise you won't benefit from Singing.


If at any point in this thread, you start to notice the issue in the room. There's that glaring slowly waking problem that you've finally started to notice as soon as you reach the bottom. You may be keenly aware of what made Performer such a bad class. But if you somehow managed to reach to this point, innocent with no real build technical knowledge, and thought there's nothing wrong. Then you need more experience.

But if you really want to know why. Then let it be written:

The Performer as a class is a class that have too many conditions required to fulfill. 
And also many of the benefits have a fancy string attached, that you don't recognize.

For example, the Bard Support Skills improvement are effective until you attack twice. Then you have to re-apply the song to get the new benefit again. Or you can be attacked three time, and potentially lose all three increased evades because you didn't dodge any of them.

There's also other conditions like needing to inflict Song of Sus, then hoping you win the dice-roll on an enemy to convert them. However this is pointless if said enemy is higher than level 70. Making it immensely pointless skills to take at high-end PvE. Lot of Performer skills are like that.

There are select few good Performer considerations like Shower of Applause, Beat It, or Warmonger's Drum. However. You cannot subclass Performer. Too many main-class functions however. And even then, subclassing it is stupid idea. Because you would have to reapply Singing by using a Bard Song Skill. Which is why almost no build would take Performer Subclass unless you're insane to do Ghost/Performer. (I know you're eyeing that Warmonger's Drum.)

But at the end of the day. You're better off going Dark Bard.
[Image: XDo90hy.png]

Messages In This Thread
Performer. - by Skullcatrons - 08-07-2023, 12:24 AM
RE: Performer. - by caliaca - 08-07-2023, 08:39 AM
RE: Performer. - by Ray2064 - 08-07-2023, 11:40 AM
RE: Performer. - by Poruku - 08-07-2023, 01:28 PM
RE: Performer. - by Autumn - 08-07-2023, 02:49 PM
RE: Performer. - by Poruku - 08-07-2023, 05:06 PM
RE: Performer. - by FaeLenx - 08-07-2023, 10:34 PM
RE: Performer. - by Poruku - 08-08-2023, 02:05 PM
RE: Performer. - by Latto - 08-09-2023, 09:47 AM
RE: Performer. - by FaeLenx - 08-09-2023, 07:26 PM
RE: Performer. - by Poruku - 08-09-2023, 08:42 PM
RE: Performer. - by Raigen.Convict - 08-14-2023, 07:42 PM

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