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CLOSED - A Spooktacular Game of Mafia
Wowza, not even a single reply. That's alright, I knew the risks. It would be much easier to run the game in discord over an hour or two tops. Not to mention this spooky season already seems filled to the brim with in game events. Even a masquerade event! Something I didn't realize until after I started work on this. Hindsight is 20/20. I'm going to post a fluff piece and then post the roles below that. Might still make for an interesting game someday!  Might not!

The masked woman held her breath as the clock chimed the final hour. She wore a silver mask adorned with a slick red gem in its center. It obscured her sight making the dim foyer she stood in feel infinitely bigger. She folded her hands in front of her and waited, far too anxious for someone alone. Once the echoes of the clock faded, she relented and recited the opening of the event aloud. 
[Image: Spook-alt.png]
She exhaled, a weight lifted from her shoulders. A performance that once was held captive in her chest was delivered to the freedom waiting in open air. She held her hand over her beating heart. "Even with naught, but shadows-." She paused abruptly. "There is no reason to stay in character any further." She reached up and gingerly removed the mask from her head. Her sight restored she let the mask carelessly clatter to the floor. "Perhaps someone will eventually find use for this space, but I am uncertain I will find the way back here." After a moment of silent contemplation, her footsteps echoed in the dark. The final noise of the night was the sound of a large door creaking, sealing shut.

That's right! A sonnet! In Iambic Pentameter no less!  I couldn't figure out how to create a block text in line with an image in BBcode, so I improvised. Anyways here's the roles below. I stopped around 12, because it there were no posts after the first day. Some are more polished than others.

Hexer - Town Wrote:Negative Energy Conduit - Passive
The first player to vote for you during each Day Phase becomes cursed and may have their next use of their ability fail. The more people vote for you, the stronger the curse becomes and the greater likelihood their ability will fail. The curse ends when their ability fails. Multiple players may be cursed at a time. You must be alive for your ability to function.
"That's what you get for voting for me!"

Dancer - Town Wrote:Dubious Dosey Do! Aka The Treacherous Tango - Active
During the Night Phase target another player. During this night phase any ability that targets them instead targets you, and any ability that targets you targets them instead. You cannot pick the same player two Night Phases in a row.
“I’ll lead, try not to step on my toes.”

Black Knight - Town Wrote:Sente and Gote - Active
During the Night Phase target another player, they are protected from other players’ abilities during this phase. You may not select the same player two Night Phases in a Row. 
"Four in a Row! Where? There diagonally. Wait"

Aquamancer - Mafia Wrote:Drown Them Out
During the Night Phase target another player. During the next Day Phase that player’s vote will not count.
“Pardon? That was a little gargled.”

Spellthief - Town Wrote:Slippery Schemer - Passive/Active
The First Ability to target you fails and you gain a single use of that ability. Once you use that ability it’s gone. Slippery Schemer will reset once you use the stored ability and a Day and Night Phase have passed.
“Watch out! I’m right behind you!”

Tactician - Town Wrote:Double Take - Active
During the Night Phase target another player, if possible they will gain another use of their ability during the next phase. They will be notified of this, but not why. Otherwise the ability fails. You may not target the same player twice.
“Once more with feeling!”

Engineer - Town Wrote:Surveillance Equipment - Active
During the Night Phase target a player, you will be notified who they target during this phase. You may not target the same player two Night Phases in a row.
“So that’s what you were up to.”

Evoker - Mafia Wrote:Infernal Invocation - Active
During the Night Phase target another player. At the end of the next Night Phase your ability will trigger, as long as you did not select another player or the player has been eliminated. Once your ability triggers, that player will be eliminated.
Every other night starting with the second night phase, target a player. That player will be eliminated.
“Judgmental thunder, turn power into pain...”

Ghost - Town Wrote:Extra Life - Passive
The first time you would be eliminated, you are not eliminated.
I won’t die, even if you kill me!

Grand Summoner - Town Wrote:Voice of Many - Active/Passive
Each Day Phase you gain an additional vote. You may stockpile votes gained this way, total number not exceeding the number of half (rounded up) of the alive players. To use these votes privately message the GM during the day, specifying who and how many. Votes used this way are lost.
“It’s only fair that each of us get a vote.”

Monk - Town Wrote:Body of Isesip - Active
During the Night Phase you may choose to become immune to all abilities. If you do so, you may not speak or vote during the next day phase. You may still be eliminated by vote.
"I wasn't sleeping, I was meditating."

Magic Gunner - Mafia Wrote:Itchy Trigger Finger - Reactive
During the Night Phase you will be notified the first time you’ve been targeted by an ability, at this time you may choose to eliminate that player or let their ability go through. If you eliminate the player your ability will be spent until after the end of the next Night Phase.
“Right between the eyes!”

It would have been relatively easier to give each role a damaging ability, but at that point you might as well start factoring in number of lives/HP, and while do-able, it would be needlessly complex and against the intended spirit. 
It's vampires all the way down.

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RE: A Spooktacular Game of Mafia - by STrouble - 10-27-2023, 10:00 PM

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