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Termina - The Akashic Fumble
After a lot of review with other staff I have come to conclusion on how I wish to handle this app.

I'd like to approve it, but I'd request some alterations and some notes I'd like to clarify for it. Feel free to ask questions on anything of the following:

1. The Akashic Record is just a theory for an explanation on how Homunculi and to some extent Liches function on G6. Nothing about it is proven and is a mortal's best attempt to understand an anomaly. Your character can still be the product of an attempt to grasp how homunculi gain their knowledge better; an experiment, but you cannot use the term Akashic Record IC as it is a Karaten term.

2. Knowledge bank is a-ok. Approved given the concept.

3. The Akashic Record would not necessarily damage the character, but it could be a belief that dwelling in the Record harmed Termina somehow and resulted in a fragile shell and weak eyesight. This is approved as long as it is simply believed to be caused by the record and not actually caused by it. Then again I can't see this being a big issue in either case.

3. The hazy lines are a being or object's weakest points as a sort of 'focus-leyline' sort of thing. Humans that have this sight simply strike on the lines, and things fall apart. Interaction is as simple as just hitting it. That said, I'd be okay with the lines Termina sees as being VERY Hazy and not quite being able to make it out in a concise fashion. I'd rather them not being able to interact because of how clouded the lines truly are; perhaps a product of their own poor eyesight.

4. This can be more or less roleplayed like a barrier arcane tattoo. Approved.

5. Sure. Approved.

Messages In This Thread
Termina - The Akashic Fumble - by Sarah54321 - 02-12-2024, 04:10 PM
RE: Termina - The Akashic Fumble - by Red Witch - 02-16-2024, 05:09 PM
RE: Termina - The Akashic Fumble - by Sarah54321 - 02-16-2024, 06:29 PM

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