I agree, I do not mind if this buffs ends up being alitte weaker like 15-20, still have to consider the potential that this still can pair with other buffers or even debuffers.
I choose the numbers mostly to, in a vaccum, reach similar levels than a Rouge promo with its +5 base evade with Kenki in mind versus blotch. Though correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Kensei only the thrid strongest hit debuffer?
I thought it was
Priest-With lightshafts and possibly staff too
VA- 16-19 debuff depending if blotch is spirited and
Kensei- 10-15 depending on Katana master
or did you simply not consider Curate/priest as a supplement to dodge build? Genuinely curious about your insight.
I choose the numbers mostly to, in a vaccum, reach similar levels than a Rouge promo with its +5 base evade with Kenki in mind versus blotch. Though correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Kensei only the thrid strongest hit debuffer?
I thought it was
Priest-With lightshafts and possibly staff too
VA- 16-19 debuff depending if blotch is spirited and
Kensei- 10-15 depending on Katana master
or did you simply not consider Curate/priest as a supplement to dodge build? Genuinely curious about your insight.