I see very little reason not to give evade buffs to classes that could very well use them, any class that wouldn't be defined as a tank or bruiser role should just have them by default, with the current spread of classes I think that defining these is a pretty key step to moving forwards with justifiably requesting these buffs. Though I think with few exceptions, evade buffs being balanced around being combined together with other classes to reach cap is a good idea, while giving a generous amount to standalone classes.
Verglas is a good example of this, no one would define it as a bad Evade-class but it can't reach cap on it's own, it needs that liiiitttle extra push to get there, in that sense, varying evade buffs is a good way to achieve this result.
To bring myself to the topic here, I support evade buffs for Curate in general, Priest and LB too, as I don't define any of the Curates except for *maybe* Aquamancer as a tank, they're DPS/Support mixes that could use the extra added layer of risky defense potential that evade adds, they're generally unarmored and have very little actual DR without any external classes adding in to the mix.
Verglas is a good example of this, no one would define it as a bad Evade-class but it can't reach cap on it's own, it needs that liiiitttle extra push to get there, in that sense, varying evade buffs is a good way to achieve this result.
To bring myself to the topic here, I support evade buffs for Curate in general, Priest and LB too, as I don't define any of the Curates except for *maybe* Aquamancer as a tank, they're DPS/Support mixes that could use the extra added layer of risky defense potential that evade adds, they're generally unarmored and have very little actual DR without any external classes adding in to the mix.